Here's kind of a random posting for you of all the exciting (and fairly boring) happenings in my life (and my family's life) the last few weeks. My apologies for being rather absent on the blog lately; I'm struggling to keep up with all the projects I'm juggling and just haven't made it a priority. I promise to do better, okay?
Kelsey went with some of her dancers to a competition in Owensboro and sent me these adorable pics. Have I trained her right or what?
My bestie, Vonda, and I finally made it to the painting class that I gave her as a gift for her birthday in December. We had a great time, but I have to say I've never been to a painting class that didn't already have a sketch on it for me to paint. I was very intimidated by that empty canvas. Here, you can see the class and the progress I made on my piece. My dragonflies are kind of deformed, but I couldn't help it. I'm pretty sure this art piece will live at school since I don't love it enough to display it in my home.
Kelsey regularly sends me random pics with her dogs; here she is cuddling with Frankie. The next pic shows him napping with his tennis ball in his mouth so no one else will get it.
Some of my Nashville girls came up at the beginning of spring break, and we enjoyed dinner and drinks and laughter at The White Squirrel Brewery here in BG. It's always a great time with Doris and Tonia!
I spent a quiet spring break at home working on household projects and crafty projects and loved pretty much every minute of it.
One day during my break, Kelsey and I did a bit of shopping in Nashville for our upcoming trip to Europe together. Kelsey is helping chaperone my student trip, so I'm excited that we'll have that time with each other.
I finished my first online class during my spring break and released it on Sunday, April 9, 2017. I'm proud of my work and have been so excited at the positive feedback I've received from those who have taken it. Thanks for supporting me in my creative endeavors,y'all!
I finally tackled some weeding in my front flowerbeds. Much more remains to be done, but at least I made a start. And look how green things are looking here in KY!
I put off mowing for the first time as long as I possibly could but began to worry my neighbors would set off after me with pitchforks if I didn't act soon. I'm like the only person on the planet who needs a new lawnmower battery every year. But look - I replaced it all by myself! Woohoo - woman power!
The fella had a birthday last weekend, so part of his gift was for the three of us to share two hours of virtual reality gaming at a brand new local business, Holodeck VR. It was a lot of fun, and I think it was a hit with him and his son. When it was my turn, I mainly just floated around the earth and looked at places I haven't visited like Egypt and the Arctic Circle. The rest of the time I took pics of them, surfed the web, and took selfies. Hahahaha!
Don't I kind of look like an alien with all that green light?
Charlie-dog got his hair done this weekend and looks great. He hasn't been feeling very well, lately. Last week, he got lost in the backyard at like 2:00 a.m. because he's lost most of his hearing and most of his vision. I think he became disoriented in the dark and just started wandering aimlessly in circles. I had to go out there and find him in the dark and bring him back inside. It's tough seeing pups get old like that, but I still think he's enjoying his life overall.
There are my last couple of weeks in a nutshell in case you were interested in the happenings in Lowderland recently. Catch you again in a few days! Ciao!
My daughter would probably really like to try the virtual reality gaming -- I'll have to see if there is such a place near us anywhere. (We're in a little town, so have to venture farther afield for things.) Congratulations on the success of your first class! :-)