Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday meal planning

In an effort to make good decisions at mealtime and when shopping at the grocery today, I thought it might be wise to plan out meals for the coming week ahead of time. Here's what I have planned thus far:

Breakfasts (repeat as needed)
1. Grapefruit
2. Eggs and toast
3. Bagel with cream cheese

Lunches (repeat as needed + out at least once)
1. Tuna salad on a bagel
2. Pasta salad
3. Avocado melts

Dinners (out at least once + leftovers at least once)
1. Grilled bratwurst + baked beans
2. Spaghetti + salad
3. Grilled chicken + veggie kabobs
4. Baked salmon + summer squash skillet

Honestly, I'm sort of looking forward to cooking this week after traveling for most of the summer. I think it'll be nice to have home-cooked, simple food for a change. What do you have on the menu this week?


  1. Mine looks similar to yours

    Today was a mexican egg burrito for breakfast

    Lunch will be a leftover stuffed pepper

    Dinner will be petite steaks, an italian pasta salad and fresh green beans

    I'll be putting cherry brats into the menu for a couple nights (cook them once and have leftovers), the italian pasta salad will be leftovers for a few entrees and lots of jar salads - probably grilled chicken one night that will double for leftovers and/or grilled chicken salads later in the week. We are heading toward the 90s again this week

  2. Tiffany,
    I need to plan meals but hate hate HATE to do it. Please post this once a week so i can copy you. ��

  3. Tiffany,
    I need to plan meals but hate hate HATE to do it. Please post this once a week so i can copy you. ��

  4. I hope this works for you, Tiffany!! Gina, at, posts her weekly dinner meal plan every Sunday. I have tried a lot of her recipes. They are very good. I also find Pinterest a great resource for meal planning.
