Saturday, June 11, 2016

Setting up my travel Midoris

Since I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow, I thought it'd be smart to set up my Midori traveler's notebooks that I plan on using while I'm gone. My lovely leather case came from Leather Imagined, a shop on Etsy that does beautiful work. It holds the cahier size notebook that you can purchase at Barnes and Noble or Target, so it's a bit wider than the traditional Midori TN size. I think this one measures roughly 5 1/4" X 8 1/4" - but I'm not 100% sure on those numbers. Here, you can see the outside cover that I had embossed to order and my laminated street map of Madrid that the fella got for me.

I'm taking three filler books with me. For each one, I attached a vellum title to the outside that was part of a cutapart page I picked up somewhere.

I also made kraft tags for each day and stamped the date for each one. I've allotted four pages to each date in case I get messy or need lots of space or decide to double up the thickness of some of the pages for artwork. I'm giving myself permission to mess up on some pages in advance, ha!

While I won't keep all three books in there at a time, I do have them all in here now for illustrative purposes.

Other than the daily tags and the vellum tags for decoration, I decided to leave the rest of it blank. I want the possibilities for this book to be endless, which is both exciting and daunting.

Here's the giant stack of stuff I started with - I knew I needed to reduce this stack by about 2/3 of its original size.

And here's what I actually am taking with me. As you can see, it fits pretty well into my roll-up Vera Bradley bag and a couple of drawstring muslin bags from Cocoa Daisy.

I'm excited about the flight a little bit because I hope to at least be able to journal or sketch in my Midoris for part of the time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have about one million things to do before I leave in the morning. :) Catch y'all later!


  1. Wishing you safe and fun travel!

  2. Can't wait to see how you fill these up!

  3. Fantastic Idea for your Midori's!

  4. Have a safe and wonderful trip, Tiffany!!!

  5. Love your "permission to mess up" attitude. I just returned from a 3 week trip and my planner is spotless (empty)! But I have a stack of postcards and journaling cards with my messy notes. Bon voyage!
